Frequently Asked Questions

Does EnviroSonic kill all types of algae?

EnviroSonic will disrupt the reproduction rate of all non-motile algae - including almost all blue-green algae. This means that unwanted algae blooms are prevented, even under conditions of heat and/or high nutrient load in the water. However, EnviroSonic will only control, and does not kill all algae, which exist naturally in the environment. This means that once EnviroSonic units are switched off, the algae cells can reproduce at high levels again.

Do you use chemicals to kill blue-green algae?

No! In this day and age it is totally unnecessary to use chemicals to kill blue-green algae. Not only are chemical dumps rarely effective, they also have a long term damaging impact on the water and broader environment. Copper solutions usually used to control blue-green algae blooms are:

  • toxic to non‐target organisms such as zooplankton, other invertebrates (eg.worms, lavae, spiders and insects) and fish

  • a bactericide, and may result in the destruction of various beneficial bacteria

  • accumulates in lake sediments perpetually.

In fact, in many countries there are national or local regulations to control the use of algicides due to their serious adverse environmental impacts. Water Research Australia describes that copper sulphate to treat blue green algae should be used minimally - only in dedicated water supply reservoirs, and even then it is an unsatisfactory long‐term solution.

We pride ourselves on having a chemical-free solution to killing blue-green algae. Ultrasound has been used since the 1970’s to control algae: it is proven to be effective and safe for humans, fish, animals, insects, invertebrates and zooplankton.

How does EnviroSonic control algae?

Ultrasound for algae control was developed in the Netherlands in the 1980s. A series of strong ultrasound waves between 20kHz and 60 kHz radiate out from the transducer at over 1,400 metres per second. This ultrasound subjects the algae to extreme cavitational stress, and causes the algal cells to collapse. This is done without a complete cell breakdown (lysis) which can otherwise cause smell and taste compounds, and toxic compounds, to be released.

Is EnviroSonic safe for marine life/animals?

Our ultrasound systems are 100% safe for invertebrates, amphibians, fish and bats.

We also have extensive anecdotal evidence on the local wildlife and the way they interact with EnviroSonic units. For example, see our case study on the King Island reservoir, Grassy Dam. The blue green algae has been kept under control - with a side benefit that the platypus population has increased significantly.

How long do EnviroSonic units run?

EnviroSonic units are installed to cycle for 1/3 of a second, every second, all day and night, throughout the year. It is important that they run continuously to keep the algae blooms at bay. As algae cells are found naturally in the environment, EnviroSonic keeps their reproduction rate under control. As soon as EnviroSonic units are switched off, in the right conditions the algae cells will grow rapidly again.

Our EnviroSonic units can be monitored remotely using our mobile technology to ensure they are working as intended, providing peace of mind that your waterway is clear of algal blooms. This is especially important for regional and remote units - avoiding frequent site visits.

How expensive are EnviroSonic units to run?

Once installed, the running costs for EnviroSonic units are minimal. Our high powered ES300 unit uses 100 watts of 240-volt power, which costs approximately $250 per year to run all day, every day. Our EnviroSonic solar powered systems do not require any mains power, and so cost nothing in running costs!

Optionally, we can provide remote monitoring of your EnviroSonic units and provide an ongoing schedule of maintenance visits. The costs of these depends on the location and size of your lake or reservoir - contact us to discuss your needs.

How are EnviroSonic units installed?

We offer a compete installation service. While we can support you to conduct your own installation, we recommend using our qualified installation expert, particularly for our larger solar powered-pontoon units (ES300) which require anchoring to the bottom of your lake, or tethering to the sides, so as to keep them in place always facing north. Our installers are qualified electricians with extensive experience in EnviroSonic water applications and come prepared for all water and site conditions.

The smaller ES50 units, which plug into mains power, are simpler to install and many of our farms, fishery, golf courses and council customers are able to engage a local qualified electrician to install them themselves. We provide a complete instruction manual detailing the installation process, as well as a phone or video conference consultation to help identify the ideal site-specific placement for each unit.

How often do EnviroSonic units need to be maintained?

The EnviroSonic units should be physically inspected periodically to ensure they are still working as intended - we suggest every six months. Remote monitoring of the units via our mobile technology is a popular add-on to the purchase of our units, providing peace of mind that algae is being kept at bay.

EnviroSonic offers a scheduled regular six monthly maintenance contract to keep an eye on your units. This might be particularly important for lakes in remote areas which may be subject to harsher environmental conditions.