How to Control Algae in a Large Pond
Learn about How to Control Algae in a Large Pond by reading this article. We'll also tell you Why Is Algae Bad for Your Pond and How to Get Rid of Algae in a Large Pond Without Harming Fish. Contact Us Today!

Algae Control Methods
Different Algae Control Methods vary in Effectiveness, Cost, and Impact on the Environment. However, the Best Algae Control Methods must embody at least Three Main Features.

EnviroSonic supports massive TasWater upgrade at King Island
TasWater has committed to a huge upgrade of the water supply at King Island, installing EnviroSonic units at Grassy Dam. This brings the system up to industry best practices.

Southeast Queensland Water uses EnviroSonic to control blue green algae
Seqwater has engaged algal control specialists EnviroSonic to investigate the use of ultrasonic technology as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective blue-green algae management measure.

Blue-green algae a suspect in Motor-Neurone Disease cases
Scientists are investigating a link between blue-green algal blooms and neurological disorders like motor neurone disease. Keep reading to learn more.

Blue-green algae poisoning in cattle
Reports of blue-green algae poisoning of cattle were confirmed by consulting veterinarians, at this small farm holding in Gwydir Shire, NSW. Keep reading to learn more.

Water Research Australia confirms efficacy of ultrasound on cyanobacteria
Water Research Australia put out a 2015 Fact Sheet, “Ultrasound for the control of cyanobacteria”, describing that Cyanobacterial blooms are frequently disruptive and recurrent in natural and managed waterbodies.